Full Stack Dot Net

APEC Provides Best Full Stack Dot Net Course in Various Fields of Education like for both IT and Non IT Students and Professionals .

Full Stack Dot Net

APEC Provides Best Full Stack .Net Course in Various Fields of Education like for both IT and Non IT Students and Professionals .

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In today’s world, .NET is’t just a Microsoft software component running on Windows PCs, it’s everywhere.Developers use this framework to create applications for all sorts of devices, including smartphones, tabletsand e-readers. It’s even in the clouds, as many cloud-based platforms support .NET applications..NET trained candidates are among the most sought-out professionals in today’s competitive IT job market. Apec .net training enables the students gain expertise in this growing platform and also appeal to aspiring IT workers who want to shift from either management or coding into more comprehensive roles as leaders and visionaries.


This course is intended for everyone who would like to develop and design an enterprise solution with the help of Microsoft technologies and tools; build web as well as commerce applications

Web Developer
Software Developer
Software Engineer
Software Architect
System Analyst

Introduction to .Net Platform
Net Framework BCL & CLR
CLR, CTS, MSIL & other tools.
Multiple Language Interaction & support
Security in .NET CAS
Features of .Net, Versions
Language Interoperability

A dvantages/Disadvantages
Why C#, Features of C#
.NET Namespaces
Programming Using Visual C#.Net

C#.Net Program Design
Data types, Value types
Reference types (CTS)
Variables and Constants
Strings & Arrays, String formatting
Statements and flows
Command-line arguments
C# 3.0/3.5 features Implicit types
Extension Methods and more
Introduction To Windows Forms

Windows forms library WinForms
Layout Enhancements
Forms and controls Hierarchy
Built-in dialog boxes & printing
Extender Controls
Object Oriented Concepts

Classes & objects, T his & Base keyword
Properties Read Only Write Only
Accessibility levels, specifiers
Constructors, Method overloading
Class (static) variables & methods
Object destruction
ref and out parameters
Enumerations, Indexers
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Creating derived classes

Method overriding and hiding
Virtual Methods
Casting objects, Object Initializers
Abstract & override method
Abstract / Sealed / Static classes
Collections, Generics
Error Handling

Unstructured error handling support
Structured error handling
Debugging the application
Debug and Trace classes
Code Optimization
Exception Handling
SQL Server Basics

ADO.Net 1.1/2.0/Linqâ
History and background
ADO.NET design goals
ADO.NET architecture, components
ADO.NET relation with .NET tools
DataSet in RealTime Scenarious
ADO.Net Components

Connected environment
Disconnected environment
ADO.NET object model
Data sources
Providers & connections
Commands and data readers
Data sets and data adaptors
Data tables, rows and columns
Constraints and relations
Data-centric applications
New ADO.Net Hierarchy
Data Sources, Data Providers

Connecting to a data source
SQL Server .NET data provider
OLE-DB .NET data provider
Connection pooling
ADO.NET exceptions
Accessing Data

Connected Environment
Creating commands
Executing commands
Reading data using data reader
Parameterised queries
(input & output parameters)
Adding, editing and deleting data
Stored procedures
Disconnected Environment

Why a disconnected environment?
DataSet features
DataAdapter features
Filling data sets
Read data tables
Read data from rows, columns
Batch queries
Data sets
Visual Studio Data Menu & tools
Dataset Navigation
Dataset Functionality
Dataset Optimistic Concurrency
Sorting, Searching & Filtering

Searching in data sets
Find on primary keys
Searching on any column / row state
Wildcard searches
Data views – Sort / Filter / Search

XML Basics
XML designers/support in VS.NET
XML Derived Technologies

System.Xml Namespace
Stream Model XML
XML DOM, XmlTextReader,TextWriter
Dom Objects- XMLNode/XMLNodeList
XPATH- Query Language for XML
DOM Navigation & Access Case Studies
Creating Custom Windows Controls

User defined controls
Control class with Container
Pack & use control
Create, implement windows control
Windows Services

Introduction, C reate windows services
Compile, run & install services
Event log services
.Net Remoting

About Distributed Applications
COM / DCOM D rawbacks of DCOM
. NET Remoting – distributed environment
Advantages & Disadvantages
Remoting Web Services comparisons
MBR, MBV Channels, Formatters
Implementation using Remoting
Crystal Reports

Reporting Need in the application
Crystal Reports Reporting Tool
Different Versions of Crystal Reports
Developing a Crystal Report
Invoke/Deploy Crystal Reports
Application Deployment

ClickOnce Deployment
Configuring the .Net framework
Deployment other methods
Overview of ASP.net

Introduction, D rawbacks of Current Trend
.NET Framework
Key Design Goals
CLR, CTS, MSIL, & Other Tools
Multiple Language Interaction & Support
Moving from Project to Assemblies
Security Services and environment
Classic Asp Vs Asp.Net
Role of ASP.net

ASP.Net as Framework,
Web Pages to Web Forms, HTML
State management
C#.Net role in ASP.NET Development
ASP.NET/C#.Net Industry approach
Client-side & Server-side Controls
Consuming HTML Client/Server Controls
Consuming ASP.Net Controls
ASP.net Web Forms

Introducing Web Forms
Working with Server Controls
Applying Styles to Controls,
Themes, Skins etc.

Page Directives and its use
New Code behind Techniques
Implementing ASP.NET Server Controls
Types of ASP.NET & their need/render
Navigation Login Web Parts
Validation Controls

Validating Form with
Validation Controls

RequiredFieldvalidator control
CompareValidator Control
RangeValidator Control
CustomValidator control
Server-side/Client-side functions
CustomValidator Control
Group Validations
Avoiding Validations
ValidationSummary control
SQL Server Basics

ADO.Net Database Services
XML, , XML & Databases
XML Schema Definition Tool
ADO.NET/ XML Support in .NET
Create Connection
DMLs – Insert/Update/Delete,
Query data -using ADO.NET

Retrieve data with datasets
Data Adapters, Data tables
Build Data table programmatically
Filter/Sort Data table
Data Relations • A DO.NET LINQ
ASP.net Bound Controls

ASP.Net bound controls
DataSource Controls
Repeater & its uses

DataBound Controls
Bind data to Dropdownlist Control
Datalist control
DataGrid(1.1/2.0) Control
GridView & its importance
GridView(Basic) simple uses
FormView & DetailsView

Introduction to Microsoft AJAX
(Code name ATLAS)
XML Http object
Programming with XML HTTP Object
Advantages & Disadvantages of AJAX
Features of AJAX.
MS Implementation of AJAX
ASP.Net Error Handling

Error Handling
.NET Runtime
Avoid Errors before they occur
Structured Error Handling
Catching General Exceptions
Catching Specific Exceptions
Throwing Exceptions
Custom Exceptions
Page Level Error Handling
Application Level Error Handling
User Controls

Creating User Controls
Adding member to user controls
Registering User Controls
Properties & Methods
Dynamically loading user controls
Master Pages

Configuring ASP.net Application
Web Application configuration
– Advantages
New Configuration Model
ASP.NET Confn Tool
Web Application Machine Configuration
Global Assembly Cache
Strong Names VS2005.
Working with Assembly Info
Process Model System Configuration
State management Techniques
Session object
Application object
Session versus Application
Using the Global.asax file
Managing Application State
Http Handlers
Application & Session Variables
Application & Session Events
Cache Services

Caching Overview
Page Output Caching
Page Data Caching
Fragment Caching

Security Overview
Authentication & Authorization
Windows-based Authentication
Passport Authentication(WebServices)
Forms-based Authentication
Authorizing Users and Roles

Deploying ASP.NET Application
ASP.Net XML Web Services

Introducing XML Web Services
Differences between
DCOM / Remoting / Web Services

Asp.net Webservices
Writing a Simple Web Service
XML web services stack
Sync and Async calls
Web Service Type Marshalling
Using Data in Web Services
MVC (Model View Controller)

Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
Introduction to MVC
ASP.NET – Web Forms (vs) MVC
Advantages and disadvantages
List of Versions of ASP.NET MVC
MVC Architecture

Creating Controllers, Actions
URL Routing

Action Result and View Result
View Bag/View Data/Temp Data
ASPX / Razor View Engine
Views – Shared, Layout, Partial
Strongly-typed views

Need of models

ADO.NET Entity Framework in MVC
Need of EF
Creating DbContext and DbSet
Configuring connection string
CodeFirst Approach
Database First Approach
Model First Approach
Scaffold Templates in MVC
Creating Controllers and views
using scaffold
Action methods and Views
Index, Details,
Create, Edit, Delete
Bundles and Minification
Script Bundle (vs) Style Bundle
Importing Bundles
HTML Helpers

Action Filters
[ HttpPost]
[ HttpGet]
[ ValidationAntiForgeryToken]
[ OutputCache]
[ HandleError]
[ NonAction]
[ ActionName]

[ Required]
[ RegularExpression]
[ Range]
[ StringLength]
[ Compare]
[ Remote]
Data Annotations

[ Display]
[ Datatype]
[ DisplayFormat]
Ajax in MVC
Security in MVC
WCF and Web API in MVC


We have 2 modes of training. Classroom Training & Online Training.

IT Training courses take a maximum of 2-3 month durations & the course duration, however, depends on the availability and convenience of the learner. You can check our detailed upcoming batches, course duration & timing, fees at the course training page.

Yes, after the completion of the course. We will provide opportunity to work on our live projects.

We provide a proper certificate after completion of the course. Along with our institute certificate you will be also able to write Course Name and other certifications after completing the course.

You can expect a 10%-25% increment in salary. The overall growth depends upon how you perform and how you are beneficial to the organization.

Grow Your Career

There’s no shortage of possible career options in IT, and there’s no shortage of opportunities for promotion within specific IT niches. Full Stack Development, Data Science, ML & AI, Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing, Networking and Graphic Design all offer IT career growth and may be just right for you.