AWS Training

APEC Provides Best AWS Course Hyderabad in Various Fields of Education like for both IT and Non IT Students and Professionals .

AWS Training

APEC Provides Best AWS Course Hyderabad in Various Fields of Education like for both IT and Non IT Students and Professionals .

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AWS training in Hyderabad and certification is the hot trend in the market. The rapid enterprise adoption of the cloud infrastructure generates considerable AWS career opportunities. The rise of cloud computing technologies has opened up a Pandora box for IT professionals with the technical skills and expertise to create, deploy and manage applications on Amazon Web Services.

Course Name Faculty Name Starting Date Time
AWS Mr.Omkar 25-Sept-2024 08:00 AM
AWS Mr.Rohit 1-Oct-2024 11:00 AM


In-house certification
Cloud solutions architect
• AWS Cloud architect
• AWS Cloud consultant
• AWS Cloud engineer
• AWS Cloud developer
• AWS Support

Linux Basics
Linux File System Structure
Basic Commands
• Users & Groups
• Permissions & Ownership
• Start & Stop of Services

Cloud Computing
What is Cloud Computing
• Advantages of Cloud Computing
• Deployment Models
• Service Models

Amazon Web Services
• Introduction to Amazon Web Services
• Advantages of AWS
• Account Creation
• Free Tier Overview

EC2- Elastic Compute Cloud
• Launch of Instances
• Access of Instances Through
o Putty
o Remote Desktop
• Instance Types
• Security Groups
• EBS Volumes
• Snapshots
• Creation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
• Elastic Load Balancers
• Health Checks
• Auto-scaling Groups
• Ec2 with Amazon Community
• Line Interface

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
• Basics of Networking
• Default v/s Custom VPC
• Creation of Non-default VPC
• NAT Configuration
• Subnet Groups
• Elastic IP Address
• Elastic Networking
• Launch of Instances In Non-default VPC

Relational Database Service (RDS)
• RDS Essentials
• Launch of RDS Instances in Default VPC
• Connecting RDS Instance with EC2 Instance
• Backups
• Multi AZ
• Read Replicas
• RDS Security Groups

IAM (Identity Access Management)
• Getting Started with IAM
• Root v/s User Accounts
• IAM Roles & Policies

Amazon S3
• Simple Storage Service Introduction
• Creation of Buckets
• S3 Bucket Versioning
• Life Cycle Policies
• Static Webhosting with S3 Bucket
• Using AWS Community & Line Interface with S3
• S3 pricing

Route 53
• Domain Registration
• Domain Name System (DNS) Service
o A Format
o AAAA Format
o CNAME Format
o MX Format & More

Cloud Watch
• Monitoring of Instances
• Health Checks in Cloud Watch
• Creation of Alarms
• Configure the Notifications

• Simple Queue Service
• Simple Notification Service
• Simple Email Service

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk
• Elastic Beanstalk Control Panel
• Deploying Application with Elastic Beanstalk

Concept to Production
• AMP Installation
• LEMP Installations
• Securing Applications with SSL
• High Availability Word Press Application
• Installation of NAGIOS Server


We have 2 modes of training. Classroom Training & Online Training.

IT Training courses take a maximum of 2-3 month durations & the course duration, however, depends on the availability and convenience of the learner. You can check our detailed upcoming batches, course duration & timing, fees at the course training page.

Yes, after the completion of the course. We will provide opportunity to work on our live projects.

We provide a proper certificate after completion of the course. Along with our institute certificate you will be also able to write Course Name and other certifications after completing the course.

You can expect a 10%-25% increment in salary. The overall growth depends upon how you perform and how you are beneficial to the organization.

Grow Your Career

There’s no shortage of possible career options in IT, and there’s no shortage of opportunities for promotion within specific IT niches. Full Stack Development, Data Science, ML & AI, Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing, Networking and Graphic Design all offer IT career growth and may be just right for you.

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