Full Stack Python

APEC Provides Best Full Stack Python Course Hyderabad in Various Fields of Education like for both IT and Non IT Students and Professionals .

Full Stack Python

APEC Provides Best Full Stack Python Course Hyderabad in Various Fields of Education like for both IT and Non IT Students and Professionals .

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Best Full Stack Python training Hyderabad at APEC gives you hands-on learning on how to use it to analyze, visualize and present data, create a web-mapping app, desktop app, web scraper etc. A Full Stack Python has been gaining popularity and has the potential to become the programming language of choice for both individuals and enterprises going forward. Today, a large number of organizations are migrating and transitioning to Python.
o Add more features in an app quickly and easily
o Helps cut development costs

Course Name Faculty Name Starting Date Time
Python Mr.Kiran 16-July-2024 08:00 AM
Python Mr.Kiran 19-July-2024 11:00 AM


In-house certification
• Python Developer
• Technical Lead Python
• Automation Developer Python
• Python Application Developer
• Python Engineer

Python Overview
• What is Python?
• History of Python
• Why Python?
• Versions of Python
• Applications of Python.

The Python Environment
• Installing Python and setting path
• Python Documentation
• Implementing Python(Python Editors and IDEas)
• Basic Syntax
• Running a Python Script
• Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows/MAC

Getting Started
• Keywords, Datatypes
• Variables, Assigning values to variables
• Multiple assignments
• Space Indentation
• Comments
• print( ),type( ), id( ) functions
• Reading input : input( ) and raw_input() functions
• Type conversions
• Number systems representations and conversions

String Handling
• What is String?
• Single-Quoted and Triple-quoted string literals
• String Indexing and Slicing
• Working with String Functions
• Working with String Methods

• Arithmetic Operators
• Relational Operators
• Logical Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Bitwise Operators
• Membership Operators
• Identity Operators.

Flow Control
• Conditional Statements (Simple if, if else, ifelif, elif ladder)
• pass statement in Python
• Looping Statements (while loop, while ¦ else, for loop, infinite loop, nested loops)
• using break and continue inside a loop

Collections in Python
• Lists
• Creating a list
• Adding/deleting/updating list elements
• Indexing and Slicing
• Working with functions and methods
• Working with matrices
• List comprehension
• Tuples
• Creating tuple
• Adding/deleting/updating tuple elements
• Tuple indexing and slicing
• Working with tuple functions and methods

• Set: what is Set, creating Set
• Set Operations : Union, Intersection, minus etc
• Working with set functions and methods

• What is dict object, creating dict object
• Adding/deleting/updating dict elements
• Working with dictionary functions and methods

• Defining a function, Calling a function
• Passing parameters and returning values
• Default parameters
• Keyword parameters
• Variable parameters
• Call by reference
• Lambda functions in Python

Modular Programming in Python
• What is a module?
• Creating user defined module
• The import statement
• Module search path
• from … Import
• Module Aliases,dir() and help() functions
• Working with Standard modules(math, random, datetime,os and sys

Packages in Python
• What is a package?
• Creating user defined package
• Importing packages

File Handling
• Opening a file, Closing a file
• Writing data to files
• Reading a data from files
• tell(), seek() functions

OOP concepts
• About O-O programming
• Defining classes
• Creating object
• Class methods and data
• Static methods
• Private methods
• Constructors and Destructors(Garbage Collection in Python)
• Inheritance, Types of inheritance
• Polymorphism (overloading and overriding)
• Data Abstraction in Python

Errors and Exception Handling
• Syntactical, Runtime and Logical Errors
• What is Exception?
• Need of Exception handling
• Predefined Exceptions
• try, except, finally keywords
• Handling multiple exceptions
• Nested exceptions
• User-defined Exceptions

Multithreading in Python
• What is a Thread?
• Threading module
• Controlling thread execution
• Threads synchronization using locking mechanism

Regular Expressions
• What is regular expression?
• Wild card characters
• Using re module
• Grouping, match
• Search functions
• matching v/s searching
• sub() function, splitting a string
• Flags.

Database Access
• Basics of database(SQL and NoSQL databases)
• Connecting to a database
• Executing SQL queries
• Transaction management.

Advanced concepts in python
• Iterators
• Generators
• Closures
• Decorators

Advanced Modules
• Maths and science (Numpy, scipy, matplotlib),
• Data analysis (pandas),
• GUI programming (tkinter programming, pyGtk, PyQt)


We have 2 modes of training. Classroom Training & Online Training.

IT Training courses take a maximum of 2-3 month durations & the course duration, however, depends on the availability and convenience of the learner. You can check our detailed upcoming batches, course duration & timing, fees at the course training page.

Yes, after the completion of the course. We will provide opportunity to work on our live projects.

We provide a proper certificate after completion of the course. Along with our institute certificate you will be also able to write Course Name and other certifications after completing the course.

You can expect a 10%-25% increment in salary. The overall growth depends upon how you perform and how you are beneficial to the organization.

Grow Your Career

There’s no shortage of possible career options in IT, and there’s no shortage of opportunities for promotion within specific IT niches. Full Stack Development, Data Science, ML & AI, Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing, Networking and Graphic Design all offer IT career growth and may be just right for you.

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