A complete guide to SEO, digital marketing, and social media marketing

To attract and engage more visitors, boost your site’s traffic and generate leads, you’ll need to use every tool at your disposal, which includes SEO, digital marketing, and social media marketing. In this complete guide to SEO, digital marketing, and social media marketing, you’ll learn everything you need to know about each of these essential strategies so that you can improve your overall digital marketing performance today!

The basics of SEO (search engine optimization)

When someone searches for a product or service online, they often use search engines like Google or Bing. Optimizing your website for these search engines makes it more likely that your site will show up in search results for those terms. There are two main types of SEO: On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization. The focus of today’s post is On-Page Optimization because there are only certain things you can control about your website that will impact its overall ranking on Google (and other major search engines). Off-Page optimization is a whole different ballgame with many different components. It focuses on how others perceive your website through links from similar websites as well as directories (or yellow pages)… we’ll discuss off page optimization another time!

The different types of SEO

There are two major ways to measure your search engine optimization success: on-page (changes you make directly to a website) and off-page (optimizing factors outside of your site). Both are important. On-page optimization is any change you make directly on your own website. Off-page optimization is when you optimize external factors that affect search engines. The three types of off-page SEO are link building, social media marketing , and digital marketing . Link building can have both positive or negative effects depending on which sites you get links from—if it’s spammy or has bad links, Google will punish your site for being associated with those other pages.

Keyword research

Your first step is to decide what keywords you want your content to show up for in search results. The most important thing when choosing a keyword is that it reflects what your post will actually be about, so choose words that are both relevant and actionable. After narrowing down your list of potential keywords to 3-5 terms, run each one through Google Keyword Planner (available on AdWords) and check out their monthly search volume statistics. Here’s how you should prioritize these terms

On-page SEO techniques

There are two main aspects of on-page SEO: optimizing your page for search engines and optimizing your content for users. You’ll also want to consider off-page factors in your strategy. Let’s get started!

Off-page SEO techniques

Search engine optimization is a broad term that covers a wide range of activities that are designed to increase your search rankings. The most common off-page tactics include: Social Media Marketing : Your brand has a presence on all of your favorite platforms – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest – right? But can you really call it a presence if you don’t even have followers? If your goal is to attract new customers through social media then you need active fans who are sharing and liking your content. Engagement rate (retweets/favorites) should be higher than 0% or else you aren’t getting engagement—you’re just sharing for fun!

The role of social media in SEO

Social media can be a critical component of an effective digital marketing strategy. It’s not just about uploading images or posting comments on someone else’s account. If you want your business to reach more potential customers online, here are some things you need to know about using social media for your digital marketing strategy

Social Media Marketing for your business

Are you planning on using digital media for your business? It’s easy. First, you need to be familiar with all that goes into digital marketing. You can use search engine optimization (SEO) to increase online traffic and conversions of site visitors into sales. A lot of businesses use digital marketing tools such as email campaigns in conjunction with search engine optimization efforts. If you want your business or product noticed online, then it’s imperative that you incorporate some form of digital marketing into your overall strategy.