PPC Marketing: Your Guide to Getting Started

How does pay-per-click marketing work? How do you get started? This guide will answer these questions and more as it walks you through everything you need to know about pay-per-click marketing, also known as PPC. From defining what exactly PPC marketing is to providing examples of different types of businesses that can benefit from this type of marketing, this article will help you get started on your way to running successful PPC campaigns, whether they’re through Google AdWords or another platform. If you’re looking to create and launch your own PPC campaign, read on!

What Is Pay Per Click (PPC)?

PPC is simply a model where advertisers pay every time someone clicks on their ad. The most popular forms of PPC are Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. With both of these platforms, you choose what you want your ads to say and pay every time someone clicks on them. Note that you don’t pay when someone visits your website, only when they click on your ads (hence pay per click).

How Does Pay Per Click Work?

If you’re new to pay per click (PPC) marketing, you might be wondering how it all works. Here’s a quick rundown of what PPC is and how it works. In a nutshell, PPC marketing involves advertising on search engines like Google and Bing for keywords related to your business. You only get charged when someone clicks on your ad, at which point you can either direct them toward an informational landing page or lead them straight through a sales funnel designed to turn leads into customers. When used strategically, PPC marketing can drive massive amounts of traffic very quickly; however, it’s important that you understand what kind of results you should expect from pay per click before taking any action…

Should I Use Google AdWords?

First off, let’s consider if PPC is even a viable option for your business. For example, if you have a brick-and-mortar business that doesn’t do much online marketing or sales, it’s probably not worth paying $1 per click when someone uses Google AdWords just to drive customers in your door. On the other hand, if you have an eCommerce website (or perhaps an information site like Wikipedia), you should absolutely set up AdWords campaigns and A/B test them to death! It might seem counterintuitive at first—why pay $1 per click when I can get free traffic by posting links on my Facebook Page?

How Do I Get Started With Google AdWords?

Google AdWords is a powerful tool for getting your business in front of more people. Just like any marketing strategy, there’s a significant learning curve involved. The best way to get started is by taking advantage of Google’s AdWords Certification Program , which provides a step-by-step guide on creating and managing your AdWords campaigns. They also offer an easy certification test . Once you’ve completed that, it’s time to dig into Google’s free online help center . If you have questions that aren’t answered there, you can call 1-800-Adwords (1-800-234-9669) and ask for as much assistance as you need.

Step 1 – Create Your AdWords Account

If you already have an AdWords account, skip ahead. If not, it’s easy! Go to Google and search for AdWords. You’ll be asked if you want to Sign In or Create Account. Choose Create Account and fill out your information. Be sure to follow up with a credit card—they won’t actually charge you until you start advertising! And choose a user name that will make it clear who you are (i.e., your name or business name).


Step 2 – Set Up Conversion Tracking Code

When you are setting up a new campaign in AdWords, Google’s platform for pay-per-click advertising, you have to add your conversion tracking code. And while there is no secret sauce here (you have to just do it), it’s important that you set up conversion tracking correctly. If it’s not done correctly, all of your data will be worthless and your attribution modeling will be inaccurate. So follow these steps carefully.